100 dagen programma
Creators & makers

Creators & makers


Bruno Doedens 

Bosk was devised by landscape artist Bruno Doedens (1959). Doedens has been experimenting with the essence of the Dutch landscape for over twenty years. As part of SLeM – Stichting Landschapstheater en Meer, he explores the relationship between culture and nature. His essay, ‘Planet Paradise’ (2021), describes the need to reconsider the relationship between humans and nature.

Doedens connects the power of imagination with mobilising social energy. His temporary landscapes are a playful collaboration between human activity and the dynamic power of nature. These new, temporary landscapes delight, surprise, and astonish. The public is both participant and spectator, nature is the co-artist.

Because Doedens is convinced we can only change if we dare to believe in new stories, stories that enrich rather than encumber the earth. We need new imaginative ‘bridges’ to shift our perspective and make us aware of the interests of nature and the earth as a whole. We need cultural ‘bridges’ to shift our paradigm and be regrounded as earthlings, to learn to put long-term interests above short-term ones and be good ancestors.


Bosk was created by the late Joop Mulder (1953-2021). Mulder was the founder and long-time creative director at Oerol. He saw ‘the island as a stage’ and highlighted the unique landscape of Terschelling. After Joop left Oerol, he shifted his focus full time to his other initiative: Sense of Place. A cultural development organisation in the Wadden Islands.

The arrival of landscape architect and artist Bruno Doedens at Oerol in 2005 launched a unique collaboration, resulting in a series of beautiful temporary landscapes, including Jaarringen 2006, Opdrift 2008, Pannenland 2013, Wadland in 2014, and Windwerk 2016-2021. Cultural landscape development became the driving force behind this collaboration.



Bruno Doedens (SLeM): artist and artistic director
Joop Mulder (Sense of Place): initiator
Dick Hauser: artistic advisor
Marc van Vliet (TUIG) and Wilco Alkema: sound design
Eva Krammer: design uniforms
Theo Heldens: design
Klaus Jürgens: choreography
Sanne Kerkhof: movement coordinator
Floris Leeuwenberg: film and photography
Rose Casella: movie

WERC (Olav Huizer, Jelle Valk and Joachim Rümke): light installation BEAM
How do you read the story of a tree without cutting it down?
With BEAM, the artist collective WERC illuminates the canopy of more than a thousand trees in a unique way using light rings. These light rings are linked to sensors and are part of a shared network. Sensors measure the amount of light, the CO2 and O2 levels of the leaves and the moisture in the soil of a tree. The sensor transmits the collected information from its tree to the associated light ring. In addition to the health of its tree, each light ring also registers and communicates its tree species. This means that, for example, all light rings of oak trees communicate with each other. As a result, the light rings can also talk to each other as smaller groups. You can recognize this mutual communication as a visitor on the basis of different light patterns that the rings produce.


Margret Havinga: project leader
Hans Jansen: executive producer
Antsje van der Zee: program producer
Wendy Gooren: program producer in-depth
Sanne Terpstra: production program
Kiki Merkies: coordination participants
Jaimy de Linde: assistant coordination participants
Anne Graswinckel: education program
Jildou Tjoelker: production education program
Anne Brouwer: programmer co-creation
Martijn Hulshof: traffic and safety coordinator
Brenda van de Wal: marketing coordinator
Eline Melief: marketing and communication
Jacomijn Meijer: marketing and communication
Richard Winkelmeijer: Flying Keeper
Rixt de Vries: intern coordination participants
Lutske Hazewindus: intern production
Lorenzo de Cuba: production intern
Hasaa Molor: intern coordination participants
Martijn Heesterbeek: location manager
Sipke Veenstra: location manager
Maarten Boonstra: location manager
Victor Plomp: location manager
Joren van de Ploeg: location manager


Almar Dam: project leader
Annemieke Verburg: assistant project manager
Nico Kelderhuis: senior manager green & games
Meile Postma: cultural technology advisor
Lenny Alkemade: support in-depth program
Wiebe Kootstra: event coordinator
Ids Witteveen: traffic & transport advisor
Bart van der Scheer: public lighting, accessibility and geothermal energy
Haike Visscher: communication
Rianne Bonder: advisor policy and permits events
Lanie van den Burgt: senior policy officer public order and safety
Roland Hornstra: finances
Anjuska van der Meulen: project assistant
Tineke Bleeker: process director
Yannick Jonathans: senior Advisor City Marketing, Events and Tourism

Province of Friesland
Anna Silvius: account holder LF2028

Bosk is set in motion by many hundreds of participants and cultural, green and social partners

Bosk is a coproduction of the Leeuwarden municipality and Arcadia

Bosk main partners

Bosk partners

Bosk is organised in collaboration with: Stichting van Panhuys, Stichting Iepenwacht Fryslân, Agribox, Sijperda verhuur, BWH, Mannen van Staal, Haan Reclamewerk, Probo, Keunstwurk, Omrin, Wender, Nationale Boomfeestdag, IVN Natuureducatie, Landschapsbeheer Fryslân, Friese Milieu Federatie, Rijkswaterstaat (Wetterskip), Van der Eems, Antea en Jumbo Kooistra

Bosk is made possible in part by GroenLeven. GroenLeven is the market leader in renewable energy and works together with governments, network operators, companies, education, residents and innovative entrepreneurs to create sustainable energy sources.

Lead Partners Bosk

Partners Bosk