1000 days of development

This policy explains what personal data Arcadia.frl collects both online and offline and how we use this data. Please read this policy carefully. In general we collect data about you whenever you create an account, buy a product, send us an email or ring us; or when you pay for a purchase at one of the cash registers exploited or managed by us; and when you use our websites, apps and social media. We use these and other data to provide you and other customers with better service, marketing and support (including analysing your data to give you a more personalised experience). For example, when you create an account, buy a product, download one of our apps or contact us by phone, we can ask your permission to use your data for specific purposes. Your choices regarding how we use your data are described here. Arcadia.frl is an accountable entity (i.e. a person responsible for the processing of personal data) regarding all the data that Arcadia.frl receives and collects about you when you use our services. Arcadia.frl is subject to and uses your data in compliance with the Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens (Dutch Data Protection Regulation) and the Telecommunicatiewet (Telecommunications Act). 1. Cookies  Just like many other online companies we make use of cookies (small text files that our website places on your computer) and tracking tools. We collect your data in various ways: a. Directly from you For example, when you register for a promotion, create an account, enter a competition or free contest, download an app or buy a ticket, write a comment on our websites, ask us a question, email us or ring us on one of the numbers at Arcadia.frl. b. Through your use of our websites and apps You can browse our websites and use our apps on a computer, smartphone, tablet or other device. Our websites and apps make use of tracking tools such as browser cookies and web beacons to collect data about your usage. c. From third parties For example, when you choose to use an integrated social media function on our websites or apps, the social media site will provide us with certain personal data about you, such as your name and email address. Your activities on our sites and apps can be posted on the social media platforms. 2. Data we can store about you  We use the following data for the purposes described in our policy. a. Contact and account data We save the contact data you provide (such as name, address, telephone number, email, country of residence, language preference) when you create an account on Arcadia.frl, buy a product and/or take part in our competitions or promotions. b. Payment and invoice data To complete your order we save the payment and invoice data provided by you, for example your credit card number and postcode when you buy a ticket. c. Data placed online by you For example, we save data you have placed on our website or on an external social media site we have access to (such as reviews posted by you or questionnaires you have filled in). When placing data online you may not infringe upon the rights of others (among others the right to privacy) and you must be aware of the fact that others can use, ‘tag’ and/or repost your data in a way you may not expect (including for illegal purposes). You must understand that we and others (e.g., our Entrepreneurs) are allowed to use and republish the data that you have placed online publicly. This includes data you placed on our website or when using apps or social media functions.

3. Data about your preferences  We can collect data about your favourite events or the products you purchase or enquire about (e.g., as part of a survey or your review of an event or product). We can also save data about interests and demographic categories we deduce from your interaction with us in order to provide you with better service or more specific information. For example, when you buy a ticket for an activity we can inform you about similar activities. Data about the use of the website. When you visit our website we can collect data about your browser and your IP address (this is a number that identifies specific network equipment on the Internet and that your equipment must have in order to communicate with websites). We can see which website led you to us, what you have and have not done on our site and which website you visited when you left our website. 4. We can use your data in the following ways and for the following purposes  a. To provide you with products, services, account data and support We can use your data to confirm and complete your purchase of a product or service. When you provide us with data about friends, we will use this data to offer the services you have inquired about. Be sure to ask for your friends’ permission before sharing their data with us. b. To send you messages linked to your transaction and activities you took part in We can send you an email about your account, the purchase of a ticket or ask you to write a review about an activity you attended. c. To signal trends en interests We use your data to learn what your preferences might be so we can offer you a more personalised and customised service and improve your experience with us. d. To examine and improve our products, services and websites We analyse your data to improve our understanding of you and our customer base in general. We do this in order to make better decisions about our services, advertising, products and content based on a better understanding of how our customers use our current services, and to personalise your experience with us. 5. You have certain choices in how we may use your data  When you create an account, buy products or services or download our apps, we can ask your permission to collect, process or use personal data for specific purposes. If you want to revoke the permission you gave us for such use of your personal data or if you want to review or change your data, please inform us of your preferences in one of the following ways. You can unsubscribe in writing or in one of the following ways: a. You can unsubscribe from marketing messages  To no longer receive emails or text messages for promotional purposes click here or follow the instructions in one of the promotional messages you received. When you unsubscribe from marketing messages we will still send you transaction information so that we are still able to contact you about your orders. b. You can unsubscribe from our newsletters  To no longer receive our newsletters, change your account settings or follow the instructions provided in each of our newsletters. c. You can request insight into the data we have collected about you  You can also request that we change or delete the data. 6. We can share your data with the following two parties a. Within the organisations Merk Fryslân, Visit Leeuwarden. We can share all of your data with these two organisations and all parties involved with these organisations for all the purposes described in this policy. b. Entrepreneurs We only share your data with the entrepreneurs whose product or service you purchased or showed interest in at Visitwadden.nl. This way they can analyse the behaviour of their visitors and provide them with better service and support as well as any of the other purposes described in the privacy policy of our Entrepreneurs (including marketing). c. Third parties that supply the products and services you purchased Your data can also be shared with third parties offering goods and services you purchased via our website (such as meals, rental bikes or merchandise) so that they can process and complete your orders (e.g., by contacting you). d. When we deem it necessary to comply with laws and regulations or to protect ourselves, our Entrepreneurs or third parties  In as far as the law permits we can also share data at the request of a government institution or other authorised body or organisation to protect or enforce our rights or those of an Entrepreneur or a third party, to detect and prevent fraud (including credit card fraud and suspected lottery, promotion or event fraud) and other crimes. We use standard security measures. Security measures are in place to protect your data. The standard security measures we implement depends on the nature of the data we collect. Please be aware that the Internet is not 100% secure. We cannot promise you that the use of our website is completely safe. We advise you to use caution when using the Internet. This includes not sharing your passwords. Please contact us if you have any questions or complaints or if you would like to receive a copy of the personal data we have saved about you. To correct, change or update your personal data or to revoke a permission you provided us with, click here.

Lead Partner Arcadia