100 dagen programma

Following a successful first installment, Paradys is preparing for the next edition in 2025. Once again, with art from top artists in the beautiful Oranjewoud. And even more integrated with the surroundings, the landscape, and the residents. Oranjewoud is a unique place, both in Friesland and in the Netherlands, where nature, history, and beauty come together in a way you will hardly find anywhere else. Paradys aims to challenge this beauty. After a visit to Paradys, you will enter the world with a renewed and enriched perspective. And that is what the Paradys team at Arcadia is currently working on. See you soon.

7th of May t/m 28 August 2022 

Paradys 2022: Looking back.

Paradys brought striking images to idyllic Oranjewoud. With visual art from all corners of the world to challenge the idyll. Artistic director Hans den Hartog Jager invited top international artists to create new work, inspired by the environment and the rich history of Oranjewoud.

Paradys showed work from Marianna Simnett, Charles Avery, Diana Scherer, Erik van Lieshout, Augustas Serapinas, Isa van Lier, Kasper Bosmans, CATPC / Athanas Kindendie, Jakob Kudsk Steensen, Alexandra Pirici, Em’kal Eyongakpa, Gregor Schneider, and Alicja Kwade.”

Paradys in the press

Different articles and reviews about Paradys appeared. You can find them here. The episode of ‘Now to see’ about Paradys can be replayed here.
Rewatch the showcase on paradys here

Arcadian Oranjewoud

Oranjewoud is a classical idyll, created by the Frisian Nassaus. It is a meticulously proportioned outdoor pleasure dome and a product of the idea that nature can be tamed and paradise manufactured. Precisely because Oranjewoud is not a neutral location, it offers artists the perfect opportunity to push against the world, to question and disrupt it. Some of the artworks in Paradys enhance the location’s beauty and poignancy, others provide a context or a history. Other works ask where all this came from. This means that Paradys deals with major, contemporary issues. Is it still possible nowadays to create an ideal world? For whom is that world intended? And most of all: what does that world look like?


Paradys will take place in and around the Oranjewoud park landscape near Heerenveen. The country estates surround Hotel Tjaarda will serve as the heart of the exhibition, villages like Knipe and Katlijk form the periphery. The artworks will be on display at a variety of locations spread across this area: in gardeners’ houses and little old churches, in forests and fens. The exhibition will take place outdoors as well as indoors, depending on the type of work.

Paradys is made possible with support from Arriva. Arriva makes Arcadia and Paradys as accessible as possible for everyone, by providing sustainable transport. In addition to public transport, Arriva’s new travel app glimble also facilitates transport-sharing, such as bike-sharing, at various events.

Lead Partners Paradys

Partners Paradys