100 dagen programma
Sense of Place

Sense of Place renders the invisible visible around the Wadden Sea. It shows the slow, unstoppable processes which create the Wadden Sea day after day, as well as the beauty of this stunning UNESCO World Heritage and its almost-forgotten history. Together with residents of the landscape, landscape art tells the story of The North.

Location: Frisian Wadden Sea coast Dates: public art, open all year round

In Arcadia, three new installations will be added to the already existing artworks: Terp fan de Takomst, Camera Batavia and De Streken.


De Streken

Artist: Marc van Vliet Partner: Sense of Place Dates: Oerol Festival, June 2022 Location: Perkweg, Oosterend, Terschelling

De Streken by visual artist Marc van Vliet moves on the Wadden Sea near Terschelling, driven by the power of the Moon. High and low tides give you two totally different experiences of this Terschelling tidal artwork, which you can only access by a 150-metre-long pedestrian bridge. The artwork allows you to stop and become intensely aware of how the planet we live on revolves on its axis. At low tide, this is a quiet place on the sand flats and you look outward. At high tide, by contrast, you stand in the middle of the water and look inward.

The artwork was previously on display at the 2021 Oerol Festival. At that time, nature decided to dismantle it a day early: a south-westerly storm and a spring tide damaged the construction. Learning from this, Oerol and Marc are working on a new version for 2022 that will be robust enough to brave nature for three whole months. De Streken will be opened in June, during the 2022 Oerol Festival on the Wadden island of Terschelling.

De Streken is a project by Sense of Place, that revitalises the area along the Wadden Sea coast by visualising the region’s unique qualities. Together with residents and the landscape, they tell the story of The North using visual art and design projects, portraying the history of the region and its inhabitants, the landscape and the future.

De Streken is a joint project of Oerol Terschelling, Sense of Place and the Province of Fryslân.

Terp fan de Takomst / Future Knoll

Artist: Observatorium Location: Blije Dates: starting 16 July 2022

Knolls are major features of the Frisian landscape. They present a visual image of our history, they raise questions for archaeologists and they inspire art, culture and future developments. For a long time now, residents of knolls have been wondering about knolls of the future. A new knoll, beyond the dykes, a place to teach, to do research, to historicize, to try out new and old saline agricultures, to perform concerts and to be silent and allow your imagination to speak.

The Observatorium artists’ group consists of Geert van de Camp, Andre Dekker, Lieven Poutsma and Ruud Reutelingsperger. Jointly, they are experienced in visual art, architecture, literature and education. Observatorium involves local residents in their creative process, people who know the environment like no one else. The resulting public art work is a welcoming venue that stimulates the imagination, offers reflection on the surrounding area and serves as a building block for communality. The village of Blije is involved in constructing this Terp fan de Takomst / Future Knoll. Blije feels a strong affinity with the Wadden Sea and is re-establishing the connection it once had with the sea in a sustainable way. “We want to reside, live and work with our faces to the Wadden Sea again.”

Observatorium’s design is intended as an ‘artwork’ that at every stage in the process of its construction serves as a place for residents and visitors to come and experience things. Knolls ‘grew’ from narrow (five metres) and low (one metre) to wide and tall (up to ten metres), from knolls with one house on them to small hamlets with a church. The future knoll allows you to experience the process of stacking, layer upon layer. Over the course of years, the knoll will slowly but surely grow and become the finished result that has been envisioned.

Terp fan de Takomst / Future Knoll is a project by Sense of Place, that revitalises the area along the Wadden Sea coast by visualising the region’s unique qualities. Together with residents and the landscape, they tell the story of The North using visual art and design projects, portraying the history of the region and its inhabitants, the landscape and the future.

For more information, visit the Sense of Place website.

Successful cooperation This project is a collaboration of the Vereniging Dorpsbelang Blije e.o. and the residents of Blije with Sense of Place, It Fryske Gea and the collective Observatorium from Rotterdam. The realization was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Wadden Fund, the Mondriaan Fund, the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds/Fonds Laboratoria, the BPD Cultuurfonds, the Province of Fryslan and the municipality of Noardeast-Fryslân.

Lead Partner Arcadia