100 dagen programma


MOVE stands for My Open Village, a sequel to Sjoerd Litjens’ iepen doarp. In the Frisian village of Feanwâldsterwâl, forty young people from eight European villages meet to familiarise themselves with each other’s villages and lives, and to explore the future of young people in European villages.

Location: Feanwâldsterwâl Dates: 30 June to 10 July 2022

It would seem that villages in countries like Norway, Serbia, Ireland and Portugal are pretty different. At the same time, they share many similarities: the city beckons, the climate is changing, globalisation is changing the world, life is accelerating and traditions are disappearing. What are the greatest threats to villages and what is needed to ensure they remain liveable? These young people will look for answers with each other and with the Frisian mienskip (community).

Four artists, working in various artistic genres, will help the youngsters manifest their ideas and findings. They will capture the conversation in an exhibition for Arcadia, that will invite further discussion.


Stichting Bewegend Beeld / Moving Image Foundation (Guido Bosua) supported by Sjoerd Litjens

Together with:

Keunstwurk (Gerda Roorda) RUG – Campus Fryslân (Meghan Muldoon) Praputnjak Cultural Landscape (Croatia) Stuba (Lithuania) Eustachia (Serbia) and youth from Norway, Greek, Ireland and Portugal

Lead Partner Arcadia