Fryslân Bloeit
Fryslân Bloeit focuses on the strength of the village. Enthusiastic residents can work on themes such as culture, climate and health for a sustainable, future-oriented province.
Fryslân Bloeit focuses on the strength of the village. Enthusiastic residents can work on themes such as culture, climate and health for a sustainable, future-oriented province.
Under the name Fryslân Bloeit, villages commit themselves to working on a sustainable, future-proof province. A place where people can grow old healthy and happy, which offers people exactly what they need. and which offers a home to everyone who wants to be at home here.
Of course, this doesn’t happen overnight. It is something you work towards. Fryslân Bloeit wants to achieve this goal by collaborating with enthusiastic villagers. In local clubs, cooperatives and associations, they work on themes such as culture, climate, community, health, food or nature in their local area.
During the Bloeiweek, they showcase these collaborations, ideas and initiatives, with a festive program or event, however big or small as they want to make it. This could include workshops, markets, living room festivals or sustainable dinners. As long as it contributes permanently to sustainability and the feeling of “mienskip” in the village.
The Bloei villages for 2024 are Akkrum, Nes, Wergea, Eastermar, Woudsend and Berlikum. In 2025, we are aiming for 20 participating villages! Would you also like your village to come to full bloom? Join up! You can sign up for Fryslân Bloeit.