1000 days of development
14 May t/m 23 June Startpunt: Snekertrekweg 1 Leeuwarden

CARGO Shanghai Friesland

Rimini Protokoll

A performance that feels like a road movie, along a Frisian Route 66. In a moving theatre, you hear the life stories of two truck drivers with anecdotes about life on the road, stories about their work and the globalized dairy industry.



  • €22,00

The world famous German Rimini Protokoll makes a unique Frisian version of their moving theatre performance CARGO. A performance that feels like a road movie, along a Frisian Route 66. In a moving theatre, you can hear the life stories of truck drivers Willem and Louw, with anecdotes about life on the road, stories about their work and the globalized dairy industry.

The moving theatre is a former refrigerated truck. Where previously frozen goods were stacked, you will soon be sitting as a spectator. A ten meter long window gives you a view of the city and the passing landscape to experience both from a completely new perspective.

In CARGO you experience a fictional journey backwards: from the milk powder in the Chinese supermarkets, via the port in Istanbul, over the European highways, to the stables of Frisian dairy farmers. The journey is accompanied by a soundtrack that coincides with the world on the other side of the window and there are unexpected encounters along the way.

Stefan Kaegi from Rimini Protokoll got the idea when he hitchhiked through Bulgaria a few years ago and started talking to truck drivers. Stefan: 'They had passionate stories to tell, also about their relationship with Europe. They have a lot to do with globalization. They bring goods all over the continent and come from elsewhere themselves more than once. So it made sense to let them tell that story of globalization themselves, in their own environment: a truck.' (from Leeuwarder Courant).

Practical issues:
-  Please be present 15 minutes before the start - we leave at 20:00.
- You are on the road for about two hours, without a break.
- The end point is within walking distance of the starting point.
- Unfortunately, this event is not accessible for wheelchair users or the hearing impaired.
- If you have difficulty walking, you can contact us: volunteers@bnwp.nl. We may be able to help you.

More information

CARGO Shanghai Friesland is performed by young Frisian artists and produced by Rimini Protokoll and Brave New World Productions in collaboration with Arcadia / LF2028. It is based on Cargo Sofia-X which was produced in 2006 by HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin and Goethe-Institut Sofia.

CARGO Shanghai - Friesland is made possible in part by Arcadia/LF2028, Province of Fryslân, Leeuwarden Ondernemersfonds, PW Janssen Friesche Foundation, Emmaplein Foundation, Stichting Cultuur FB Oranjewoud, Het Nieuwe Stadsweeshuis and Greidhoeke Plus.


Rimini Protocol:

concept and script: Stefan Kaegi
direction and script Friesland: Jörg Karrenbauer
production: Juliane Männel, Jörg Karrenbauer

Brave New World Productions (BNWP):

dramaturge: Janneke de Haan
assistant director: Romke Gabe Draaijer
video maker: Jurjen Jellema
sound artist Dennis van Tilburg
technique: Rob van der Meijden and Jelle van Abbema
drivers: Willem Overwijk and Louw Hacquebord
singer: Lico Lee and Renjiao Cui.
Volunteer Coordinator: Evelyn Dalman
BNWP commercial director: Jan van Erve
BNWP Artistic Director: Claudia Woolgar
BNWP fundraiser: Gerrie Visser